for Hoover Candy HBCPP31801D, HBOD174, HBOL172 Type Fridge Freezer LED Circuit Plate PCB
Fridge Freezer LED Light PCB Control Board Circuit Plate
Replaces Part number 41041487, 49030710
The manufacturer has Changed the design of this mother board
New design is shown in Picture 2
Please compare your old part plug connection very closely with the photographs as several of the models in this listing were manufactured with more than one PCB and they look very similar. Plug is different. .
Approximate dimensions of the Board 65mm x 20mm
34900410 (BRCI 3180 E), 34900409 (BRCIF 3050 E), 34900411 (BRCLO 3580 E)
BRCI3180E, BRCIF3050E, BRCLO3580E, C142FD, CCS250A, CFBC3050E1K, CFBD24501E, CFBD24501ESN, CFBD24502E, CFBD24502ES, CFBD2650E1, CFBD2650E1S, CFBF3050E1K, CFBO3550E1, CFBO3580E1, CFLO3550E1, CIL220EE, CIO225EE, CKBC3150E1, CKBC3150E1K, CKBC3150E1S, CKBC3160E1, CKBC3180E1, CKBC3180E1S, CKBC3180EE1, CKBC3350E1, CKBC3350E1S, CKBC3380E1, CKBC3380EE1, CKBF3180E, CSC1365WE, GBC3111E, GBD2401E, GBD2401ES, 34001861 (CCDS5142WH), 34900412 (CCS250A), 34900169 (CFBD2450-1E), 34900170 (CFBD2450-1ESN), 34900349 (CFBD2450-2E), 34900357 (CFBD2450-2ES), 34900376 (CFBD2650E-1), 34900377 (CFBD2650E-1S), 34900356 (CFBO3550E-1), 34900358 (CFBO3580E-1), 34900359 (CFLO3550E-1), 34900400 (CIL220EE), 34900401 (CIO225EE), 34900350 (CKBC3150E-1K), 34900351 (CKBC3160E-1), 34900353 (CKBC3180E-1), 34900362 (CKBC3180E-1S), 34900352 (CKBC3180EE-1), 34900374 (CKBC3350E-1), 34900402 (CKBF3180E), 34001640 (CSC1365WE), CSS5175WE
HBCP30501K, HBCP31501KD, HBCP31801D, HBCP33801D, HBCPP31801D, HBOD174, HBOL172, HBOP37801, HFFBP30501K, HVDS5144WH, HVOD124, ICP360S, IDAP245, 34900369 (HBCP3050-1K), 34900368 (HBCP3150-1KD), 34900367 (HBCP3180-1D), 34900388 (HBCPP3180-1D), 34900462 (HBOD 174), 34900372 (HBOP 3780-1), 34900370 (HFFBP3050-1K), 34001895 (HVDS 5144WH)
RBCP31833, RBCP33833, RBCPP31843, RBDP23533, RBDP26533, RBLP36833, RBOP36833, RSLP122, RSOP122, ZEBBS100, ZEBD1522, ZEBD1522S
This is a high quality compatible, alternative product.
It is designed to provide a cost effective working solution
to the genuine original equivalent,
offering you a substantial cost saving against the original part.
All manufacturers’ names and numbers are used for reference purposes only.