Ariston IS30V; Creda 37000, T300; Crusader CT3; Electra 37000; Hotpoint TL, TS V3D; Indesit G30, IS30 Series Drive Belt (1540H5EL)
Hotpoint \ Creda \ Indesit \ Ariston Tumble Dryer Drive Belt.
Part numbers C00109620 and 1702342.
The belt size of this belt is 1540 5PHE. This belt is fitted to the compact tumble dryers 3kg size.
If you dryer belt has snapped and stopped the drum turning, then this could be just the part you need.
This Belt fits the following models without jockey pulleys:
33500, 37288M001Q, 37290V, 372920001Q, 37292V, 37459, 37459V, 37466M001Q, 37472E, 374920001Q, 37495, 37496, 37649, 37654G, 37656, 37658, 37660, 37664V, 37742, 37745E, 37746E, 37751, 37753E, 3SE3, CREDA, CT30V, CT31V, CT32VU, CT33V, EE5TDR, G31VU, G32V, G32VS, HOTPOINT, INDESIT, IS30V, IS31VEX, IS31VSUK, IS31VUK, IS31VUUK, SA33, T301IS, T301UWE, T301VW, T310VW, T312VW, T313VW, T320VW, T322VW, T323VW, TL31PW, TL51A, TL51P, TL51W, TL52A, TL52P, TL52W, TL61N, TL61P, TL61PE, TL61X, TL62H, TL62N, TL62P, TL62T, TL62U, TL62X, TL63PE, TL64PE, TL71N, TL71P, TL71S, TL71X, TR7, TS11P, TS11W, TS12A, TS12P, TS12W, TS13P, TS14P, TU7, TUMBLE DRYER, V3D00P, V3D01P