Genuine Dimplex Opti-myst Electric Fire Transducer Glass Disk M-011b Heater
- Genuine Opty Mist Glass Disk Transducer for Dimplex M-011B Electric Wall Fire
- Fits models: Burbank: BBK20 (Series A - D), BBK20 (Series E) -- Danville: DNV20CH (Series A - Onward ), DNV20AB (Series A - C), DNV20BL (Series A - Onwards), DNV20BR (Series A - C) -- Moorefield: MFD20 (Series A) -- Oakhurst: OKT20 (Series A) -- Redway: RDY20 (Series A - D), RDY20 (Series E) -- Sacramento: SCR20 (Series A) -- Tahoe: TAH20 (Series A), TAH20 (Series E)
- and models: Westbrook: WBK20 (Series A) -- Whitmore: WMR20 (Series A) -- Alameda: ALM20 (Series A) -- Auberry: AUB20 (Series A) -- Cassette: CAS600, CAS400NHLL, CAS400HLL, CAS600NH -- Remote Control: RTOPCS20, RTOPW20, RTOPI20BR, RTOPI20CH -- Silverton: SVT20 (Series A)
ISSUE No mist
Firstly, check that the water tank has sufficient water so that the sump can be filled and covers the transducer.
-Ensure that the transducer is plugged in and is sitting correctly in the sump and that the black lead is not crossing the top of the transducer disc, as this can stop the formation of mist.
-If the above steps haven not fixed the issue, it could indicate that the sump fan has failed. To confirm it is working correctly, remove the water tank and mist nozzle, and then gently insert the small cleaning brush (supplied with your Opti-myst) into the air outlet from the fan housing located on the top right hand side of the sump. If the fan is working, a sound will be heard and a vibration felt.
-Finally, check that all four lamps are fitted and working.
NO Mist after 30 seconds
Please check that the transducer is plugged in correctly and is seated correctly in the sump. Ensure that the black transducer lead is not covering the white disc, as this will stop the formation of the mist.
-A regular cleaning regime should be followed and any calcium deposits should be removed from the transducer using a cleaning brush.
The Mist cuts out intermittently
Firstly, please check that there is sufficient water in the sump and that the sump fan is turning freely.
-Check that the transducer is seated correctly in the sump and that the fan filter is positioned correctly also check not water has got underneath the glass disk
To much mist
First, adjust the mist effect down on the fire.
-If the problem continues, this may be an issue with the mist control and should be rectified by a service engineer.